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Here at Willaston Primary Academy it is our aim is that our children will have a deep understanding of their local environment and the diverse surroundings in the wider world, with appreciation to human and physical characteristics.  

At Willaston, we have designed a Geography curriculum with the intent that our children will:

  • Be inspired to be curious and fascinated about the world and its people
  • Equip children with an understanding about diverse places, people, resources and environments around them.
  • Allow them to build on prior learning about physical and human processes and the formation and use of landscapes and environments.
  • Develop an understanding that the Earths features are interconnected and change over time
  • Be encouraged to explore their own environment and challenge pupils to make connections between their locality and that of contrasting settlements
  • Use their local area and community to develop Geographical skill and knowledge

The curriculum is led and overseen by the Geography lead. As Geography lead a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation, review and the celebration of good practise will contribute to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve further. The teaching, learning and sequencing of the Geography curriculum follows:

  • Links with the National Curriculum guidelines to ensure all aspects, knowledge and skills of Geography are being taught.
  • The progression of knowledge and skills documents are set out in order to build and develop the following; Geographic skills and fieldwork, locational knowledge, human and physical, and place knowledge.
  • Planning is based on our school concepts and question based approach
  • Foundation subjects are assessed at the end of each year stating whether children are working towards, at or exceeding age- related expectations.