Useful Information
On the day
- Children are to wear play clothes and not uniform.
- Each day has a brief outline of activities but we also allow time for free play and any impromptu activities sparked by the children.
- We provide children with Morning and Afternoon snack
- Each day a packed lunch and a drink is required please (please note that we are a nut free school)
- For entrance, collection and exit please arrive at the main entrance and ring the doorbell to alert us of your arrival.
Pricing (updated May 2023)
8:30am - 4:30pm: £28.00
Please note, to secure your child’s place we ask that payment is made in full before we can book your child into the holiday club. Please do not send any money until it has been confirmed that there is space for the sessions you require.
Payments can be made by cash, via the School Gateway app (for Willaston Academy/Little Acorns children only), bank transfer or by cheque (made out to Willaston Primary Academy). We will not accept any booking forms without payment. When paying by childcare vouchers please use your child’s name as the reference.
To pay by bank transfer you will need the following details:
Sort Code 30-12-59 Account Number 18305060
Please ensure the full amount is paid before your child attends the club.