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Year 4



Welcome to our class pages. We are a fabulous, enthusiastic class of 8 and 9 year olds; eager and keen to learn.

Find out more about us and our learning by clicking on the links.

Our Teachers:

Mrs Bradbury-Smith  (Sendco ) Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Mrs Patrick (English lead) Wednesday, Thursday

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Burgess - Monday-Thursday

Miss Bradley - Wednesday - Friday

Reading for Pleasure in Y4

We love to read in Year Four. We enjoy reading for pleasure, reading in English lessons and exploring concepts in our No Outsider books. Some books have even helped us better understand our History and Geography lessons. Here are some of the books which we have enjoyed so far this year:



Year 4 PE is every Thursday and Friday - Please come dressed in your full school PE kit on these days.



Regular reading is vital to becoming a lifelong learner. Read at least 4 times per week with your child and complete an Accelerated reading quiz when you finish a book.

Homework tasks

We will alternate between Sumdog and SPAG tasks for our homework. Please check on Seesaw to see what the current week's task is. Children also need to be proficient with their ties tables in year four.



  • Newsround Keep up to date with the latest news.

  • How to talk to your child about staying safe online As children are participating in home learning, it is inevitable that they will find themselves online more than normal. Follow this link for some great ways to keep your child safe online.

  •  BBC Supermovers can help us learn and consolidate our knowledge of times tables. The children will have lots of fun practising their tables along with perfecting some interesting moves....! There are other programmes to use on this website which relate purely to KS2, English, Mathematics, PSHE too.